Seakeeper continues to maintain its innovative and pioneering identity in the sector with new models introduced.
Seakeeper, who has designed the best balancers ever made, completely changes the yachting concept. In less than 10 years, Seakeeper has become the leader of the active gyroscopic balancing industry.
Industry leader Seakeeper is now presenting the new 3DC, 5, 9, 16, 26, 35 models. These new models are much more powerful and smaller than the previous models.
Seakeeper gyro has been assembled on more than 1700 boats, including the models produced by all leading boat brands in the yacht market. Many yacht companies offer Seakeeper gyro as a standard feature on their boats to provide more comfort and safety to their customers.
Seakeeper has always been focused on forward-looking growth and has expanded its range of boat models for gyro installation thanks to its new models 3DC, 5, 9, 16, 26, 35. Thanks to these new models, all boats with a minimum length of 30 ft have the chance to reach Seakeeper comfort and safety.
The Seakeeper 3DC and 5 are designed to balance boats up to 20 tons in weight or 30-50 ft in length. The Seakeeper 9 can balance boats up to 35 tons in weight or in the 50-65 ft length range. The Seakeeper 16 can balance boats up to 70 tons or 65-80 ft. The Seakeeper 26 is enough to balance boats up to 100 tonnes or 80-100 ft, while the Seakeeper 35 is designed to stabilize boats up to 140 tons or 100 ft or more. It is possible to mount multiple Seakeeper products for much larger boats.
All Seakeeper models can consume %70 to %90 of your boat’s yaw by consuming very little electrical power. These versatile and versatile gyros do not have any extensions on the outside of your boat, but they are also placed at any suitable point outside the center line of your boat, providing great ease of installation. Vacuum technologies and computer-controlled structures make them the first practical and user-friendly gyros for Seakeeper gyros, yachts and commercial boats.
Seakeeper’s 5 new models are more powerful and smaller than their predecessors, but they are much more affordable. Seakeeper’s new models cost between $ 29,900 and $ 194,900.